Digital technologies/3D printing/3D modeling- Beginner/Importing Models to TinkerCAD

TinkerCAD can be a powerful tool for repairing or editing polygonal models (defined by triangles). Therefore, it is considered fundamental to CAD modeling in TinkerCAD to know how to import a model. You may import polygonal files (STL, OBJ, etc.) to TinkerCAD for modifications, repairs, etc. For example, if one wanted to add a label they designed to a model of a hand, this could be done in TinkerCAD. A hand is however hard to model, but there are lots of them on community CAD libraries, such as Thingiverse or GrabCAD. All that needs to be done, is for the model to be downloaded, and imported into TinkerCAD using the Import button. Once the model is imported, it will appear on the workplane. All the controls relating to shape modifications apply to the imported model! Here's an example of a composite model with the Thingiverse hand and the label from the beginner level proficiency projects example tag:

An imported hand model[1] is used to illustrate a hand holding the beginner proficiency projects example label.
  1. John-010 (2012). iPhone Hand. Thingiverse, accessed 2021-08-17 at