How to pay for an Order

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If you have ordered a job, here is how you can pay for your it once it has been completed.

You will receive an email when the job is done so that you can pay for it and come pick it up. To pay please follow the steps below:

If you are an undergrad student or community member

  1. Go to
  2. Click on 'Shop now'.
    Store shop now
  3. Click on the last category in the list on the left, 'Services'.
    Store categories

  4. Choose the 'MakerSpace Services' option.
    Store services

  5. Add the right amount of each denomination based on your quote.
    Store charge

    1. For example, if your quote is $17.81, then you would have a service with a denomination of $1 with a quantity of 17, a second service with a denomination of $0.10 with a quantity of 8 and a last service with a denomination of $0.01 with a quantity of 1. Alternatively you could have a service with a denomination of $0.01 with a quantity of 81 instead of having both $0.10 and $0.01.
      Store cart

If you are a researcher or faculty

You can pay for the order via journal entry, please send an email to with a FOAP.

Thank you for ordering with the uOttawa Richard L'Abbé Makerspace!